Airport Arrivals & Departures

Map of the Airports in Argentina


Argentina is an area belonging the continent of South America. It is a Federal Republic with approx. 40,800,000 m inhabitants. The population density is about 24 persons per square mile and the official Language is Spanish. Argentina spreads over an area of about 1,726,628 square miles with Buenos Aires as capital. The official currency is Argent. Peso (1 Argent. Peso = 100 Centavos) with LOW price tendency.

All in all we have 9 airports with about 24.2m passengers per year available for you. Please choose your desired travel destination from the airport-overview below the map:

IATA Code Airport Passengers per year
BRC Bariloche 1,038,651
EZE Buenos Aires Ezeiza 9,831,127
AEP Buenos Aires Newbery 11,662,525
COR Cordoba 2,212,939
IGR Iguazu 893,945
MDZ Mendoza 1,308,113
SLA Salta 972,310
TUC Tucuman 670,075
USH Ushuaia 513,534

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